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About Afton

The Story So Far...

My business started by chance, or perhaps divine intervention. In 2009, I moved to Italy, which was a bold thing to do since I couldn't speak Italian! I quickly realized that Italian was more difficult to learn than I thought. My skills in interior design, which I had worked so hard to build my career, were now null and void. 

So, what was I to do, living in another country without any way to make money or express myself? Well, I took to the Internet, where anyone can be successful with a little know-how and tenacity. 

I started from the ground up, learning graphic design, web development, digital advertising, lead generation, and social media. I’ve worked with some of the most amazing minds online, and for that, I’m forever grateful. My mentors have been some of the greatest in the business. 

My business and life have taken me around the world and back, with 18 countries under my belt, also living in Scotland (where I went to art school) and Romania. Today, I live in downtown Toronto with my daughter Abri and dog Finnegan. 

Now, the question is, where will we go together?


How it Started

and how it's going


I gave birth to my daughter in Brescia, Italy, and started working online

While pregnant and after giving birth, I started my career and business. My first line of work; a virtual assistant for $3/hour. I was hired by a small number of (very patient) clients and learned how to manage online projects and wear many hats—all while taking care of my newborn! I worked hard and absorbed everything I could about the world of digital marketing.


I worked for the Master, Laura Betterly

You may not know Laura Betterly, but I bet you know her clients. I had the greatest fortune of working on accounts like Frank Kern, Ryan Deiss, and Tai Lopez and learned the most ninja skills including development, lead generation, and advertising skills. These skills are what my business is built on today. We even launched my first course together, which made over $150k in one week!


I travelled around the world with
Kurt Perschke and RedBall Project

It's difficult to say this was a job because it was that fun. If you're not familiar, RedBall Project is considered one of the longest-running street art projects in the world. The ball is 150 lbs and 15 feet tall and tours the world. I had the greatest pleasure of being the first social media manager for the project and going on tour with Kurt Perschke and the crazy talented team.


I joined the Peaceful Media team

Everyone always asks me how I got to work with so many amazing clients, including Brendon Burchard, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Robin Sharma, and I have to say, I owe it to Jason Miller and the Peaceful Media team. I had the guts to contact the team directly about hiring me, and the rest is history. 


I helped to revive Bodhi Tree, LA

Bodhi Tree was one of the most profound projects I have ever worked on. I have so many stories to tell, both from my time there, as well as the stories I discovered in the archives of one of the most prolific metaphysical bookstores in the world. It was the place where Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley shopped for spiritual enlightenment in the form of books. It was where Paolo Coelho, Don Miguel Ruiz, Marianne Williamson, and Deepak Chopra got their start by speaking in the annex. I was part of the team entrusted to revive the store, which once was housed on Melrose Avenue, to its new digital form. 


I launched my freelancer mentorship, FreeBirds

After all of my experience working for all different types of clients, on all different types of projects, all around the world, I wanted to pass on my knowledge to other women who wanted to break free from their 9-to-5. Freelancing has given me the freedom to work with some of the greatest minds, cure my travel itch, and be there for my daughter while working from home. I created my mentorship to teach others how to create a life and business by their own design.


I now run my very own online design studio with an amazing team

My amazingly talented team and I work with people just like you to build, launch, and grow their businesses online. I truly love what I do, especially when I see my clients grow beyond what they ever thought was possible, just like I did. 

My Design Philosophy

My beginnings in design started in Glasgow, Scotland at art school. During this time, I learned how to deeply conceptualize a project. In this fast-paced mass-produced world, I've come to appreciate this process more and more—and so have my clients. My work stems from understanding my clients, and who they are, while also helping them to expand into who they are meant to be.

When we understand what's truly important, what the design will sustain and further expand, we can strip away anything unnecessary, making space for what is truly necessary.

My philosophy: an uncomplicated design for a beautifully profitable business.

Oftentimes, we get swept up in all the should-do's, filling our already limited time with things that we believe will make our lives and business bigger, better, and more legitimate. I believe it's important to remove all of the unnecessaries to make space for my clients to do what they are meant to do instead of being hidden behind technology and complicated operations.

"Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains." —Steve Jobs

Can't Live Without


Always Playing

Sinatra, Dean Martin

Favorite City


A quote I live by

Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way.

My happy place

With my daughter and dog

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